Attention pike addicts! Come with us to Manitoba this summer
Several times throughout the year, we make "exploratory" trips, where we check out potential adventure angling destinations that might be a good fit for our clients, with the hopes of adding these lodges or camps to our esteemed list of destination partners. And, sometimes, we get to bring a lucky few of our clients with us.
This summer, we're flying to Winnipeg, Manitoba, on June 6, and then catching a charter flight north to the legendary Gangler's North Seal River Lodge — one of Canada's most reputable North Woods lodges, where anglers for generations have chased trophy northern pike, massive lake trout, plump Arctic grayling and delicious walleye. While we do have some excellent lodge options in western Canada in Dalton Trail Lodge and Northern Rockies Adventures, Gangler's would be our first true, traditional North Woods lodge. We'll be at the lodge from June 7 through June 14.
It's situated in the Hudson Bay drainage, and offers clients a luxury experience in the wilds of the boreal forests. Here, moose, wolves and black bears haunt the spruce and birch and forests, and massive lake-dwelling predators like northern pike and lake trout swim the stillwaters, always on the prowl for their next meal. Walleye, too, are often caught on the fly, and there not be a better traditional shore lunch than deep-fried walleye or pike sizzled up over an open fire. It's been a North Woods tradition for generations, and there's no reason fly fishers can't get in on the fun. In the river channels that connect the boreal lakes swim surprisingly big Arctic grayling — some can push 20 inches in length and raise eyebrows with their tail-walking fights.

One of our most important goals is providing our clients with lots of choices when it comes to fly fishing and adventure travel, and there's nothing quite so special as a traditional visit to the pike lakes of the boreal north. For years, anglers of all stripes have traveled north to chase these massive fish, but only in the last two decades or so have fly fishers come to realize just how impressive big pike can be on the fly. These toothy predators are atop the food chain in this stunning, wild lakes of the north, and there may be no other freshwater fish that hits a streamer, gurgler or popper like a pike.
So, as we travel north this summer, we're extending the invitation to our valued clients — come with us and help us check out this iconic Canadian fly-in fishing lodge, and enjoy the Gangler's five-star hospitality. We'll go after pike, and we'll very likely also have the opportunity to chase really big lake trout in the shallows in early June. And, of course, for dry-fly aficionados, the gorgeous grayling will provide that topwater fun in some of the prettiest backcountry rivers in Canada.
To join us, just drop us a line, and let us know. In the meantime, check these two packages reserved especially for Hatch Adventure Travel clients:
6 nights/5 days guided fishing and full service at the lodge: $6,695
7 nights/6 days guided fishing and full service at the lodge: $7,205
We'd love to have you along on this exploratory trip. We're excited to experience the lodge and the fishing. Come with us and experience a genuine North Woods lodge.